two teams present at the first edition of the Coppa Lombardia magnificently organized by Ken Rho Six Dojo
Monday, March 22, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
What To Wear To University Alumni Interview?
Lecce, Reggio rebirth
Matteo Marchello
Friday night at the Granillo stadium in Reggio Calabria in the board was expected to advance to second division between the home team, Reggina and Lecce. In reality, that to which the audience witnessed was not a football game, but the play "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde "Stevenson's famous novel in which the mild-mannered doctor who exercises his profession by day and by night it becomes a vicious murderess who terrorize the city of London. In the novel mutation occurs as a result of taking a magic potion, made from the same doctor to gain more character and personality, which misses in its ordinary and monotonous life, the red and yellow mutation is, however, between the first and second time Thanks to the correctional De Canio, sick of seeing the usual Lecce in the last six games before Reggio had collected a victory and four draws with the humiliating defeat in the Citadel. The
Lecce started the game, in fact, trained sided with a form different from the 4-3-3 that has made the fortunes of this season, a 4-4-2 or more square, with fullbacks Belleri and Mazzotta, Angelo and Mesbah wings of midfield, and the pair d 'attack and made Baclet Marilungo, this trial did not give the desired results, so that it was Reggina to become more dangerous after the kick-off with two conclusions before reaching the goal with Barilla, the Lecce saw the ghosts of past performance and could not react in any way.
The first half ended with the change of Mazzotta Munari without even waiting for the interval, an episode that resembled so much a rejection to the outside Palermo, as the new form, unable to give the right kick to the team.
Return to 4-3-3 and secure groomed De Canio in the locker room turned the docile Salento in a completely different team: poor and hungry of points, the essence of which is embodied in Marilungo Guido, author of a hat-trick which together with the goal of overtaking Angelo, and that, useless, Cacia, closed the game on the final 4 to 2. The
Lecce seen in Calabria in the first half seemed a convalescent team, which still had the scars on the body blow of the Citadel, proving to be unable to attack and be dangerous, so much so that he never shot on goal, while the second fraction Instead, the team took to the field of crushing stones in the central the league, able to create good game, scoring 4 goals showing obvious superiority against a Reggina who, unaware of the metamorphosis took place AS Roma in the locker room, was annihilated rather than defeat, and now sees the specter of relegation to the first division.
Despite the result and the demonstration of strength of the second 45 minutes, De Canio has, however, question the motivation of the approach to the game nightmare, and the opportunity to experiment with new tactics when it was found that the 4-3 - 3 is the best form to express and game points scored, and although the championship is still very long, any further change of form could cost points heavy, essential for the promotion objective.
Matteo Marchello
Friday night at the Granillo stadium in Reggio Calabria in the board was expected to advance to second division between the home team, Reggina and Lecce. In reality, that to which the audience witnessed was not a football game, but the play "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde "Stevenson's famous novel in which the mild-mannered doctor who exercises his profession by day and by night it becomes a vicious murderess who terrorize the city of London. In the novel mutation occurs as a result of taking a magic potion, made from the same doctor to gain more character and personality, which misses in its ordinary and monotonous life, the red and yellow mutation is, however, between the first and second time Thanks to the correctional De Canio, sick of seeing the usual Lecce in the last six games before Reggio had collected a victory and four draws with the humiliating defeat in the Citadel. The
Lecce started the game, in fact, trained sided with a form different from the 4-3-3 that has made the fortunes of this season, a 4-4-2 or more square, with fullbacks Belleri and Mazzotta, Angelo and Mesbah wings of midfield, and the pair d 'attack and made Baclet Marilungo, this trial did not give the desired results, so that it was Reggina to become more dangerous after the kick-off with two conclusions before reaching the goal with Barilla, the Lecce saw the ghosts of past performance and could not react in any way.
The first half ended with the change of Mazzotta Munari without even waiting for the interval, an episode that resembled so much a rejection to the outside Palermo, as the new form, unable to give the right kick to the team.
Return to 4-3-3 and secure groomed De Canio in the locker room turned the docile Salento in a completely different team: poor and hungry of points, the essence of which is embodied in Marilungo Guido, author of a hat-trick which together with the goal of overtaking Angelo, and that, useless, Cacia, closed the game on the final 4 to 2. The
Lecce seen in Calabria in the first half seemed a convalescent team, which still had the scars on the body blow of the Citadel, proving to be unable to attack and be dangerous, so much so that he never shot on goal, while the second fraction Instead, the team took to the field of crushing stones in the central the league, able to create good game, scoring 4 goals showing obvious superiority against a Reggina who, unaware of the metamorphosis took place AS Roma in the locker room, was annihilated rather than defeat, and now sees the specter of relegation to the first division.
Despite the result and the demonstration of strength of the second 45 minutes, De Canio has, however, question the motivation of the approach to the game nightmare, and the opportunity to experiment with new tactics when it was found that the 4-3 - 3 is the best form to express and game points scored, and although the championship is still very long, any further change of form could cost points heavy, essential for the promotion objective.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Bow And Arrow Games Apples Balloons
Lecce - Citadel: whose fault?
Victor Murra
The citadel of the goal would be to say, artfully nets for a team that - before the race - Lecce looked at the six points that separated her from the pro league, and today looks instead to the seven that the distance from their leaders.
The Giallorossi looked out the match with a Venetian dish savoring the flavor of "revenge", with local people wounded pride for the first leg 3-0 at once: net income, which - as now - had imposed a stop after eleven points gained. Stop that then allowed the team to De Canio to make a change to the standings and season, scaling the length and broad objectives and demands. Today, positive after the team collected five goals Foscarini, there are the same eleven points back. Prelude, perhaps, other changes and other goals. Maybe still the same, even those set in August when the heat required to keep your feet firmly on the hot water to appease the spirits of a bitter relegation and a future low-profile.
Mister De Canio has pulled out of that October 3, 2009 all the rabbits from the cylinder, sending a crew into orbit by the potential and concentration dubious unstable. The continuity of the results, and the reluctance to defeat - there are only six races without points of yellow and red, has done better grosseto only five - have made the Giallorossi as the knife when it comes to tearing and ripping when it comes out. And Lecce, sinking the blade, a second division that has torn at the start saw him suffering, but then the first failure forces the blade comes out and rips the environment deluded, perhaps, a record achieved only by the wisdom of ' coach. Coach who lose badly in a race in which everyone expected to break the spell of the tie, decided to shift all the blame upon himself, acting as a lightning rod in a field of stakes.
My fault, says De Canio, because I sent in the training field, those players with that form. The fault of all time, if the criteria of choice are always based on meritocracy, summary of a series of weekly behavior of athletes or football players are still men, of course. Blame for everyone, because anyone with a little 'professionalism would fielded the same eleven, perhaps deserving to play, not to suffer such a clear humiliation. Or maybe you.
The problem does not focus more on the characteristics of the players in pink, where - for example - the lack of pressing and the lack of familiarity with the phrasing in speed can be explained only by the fact that these are not the quality of rose available. The aim must be centered, then, on the head or the head when you double marking, when the mate does not help more than in trouble, does not recover after a speech wrong, when the team fails to be short and once pressed resort to long ball, obviously something is wrong. Lacks peace, personality and possibly a lecture on the part of each day's feeds.
Victor Murra
The citadel of the goal would be to say, artfully nets for a team that - before the race - Lecce looked at the six points that separated her from the pro league, and today looks instead to the seven that the distance from their leaders.
The Giallorossi looked out the match with a Venetian dish savoring the flavor of "revenge", with local people wounded pride for the first leg 3-0 at once: net income, which - as now - had imposed a stop after eleven points gained. Stop that then allowed the team to De Canio to make a change to the standings and season, scaling the length and broad objectives and demands. Today, positive after the team collected five goals Foscarini, there are the same eleven points back. Prelude, perhaps, other changes and other goals. Maybe still the same, even those set in August when the heat required to keep your feet firmly on the hot water to appease the spirits of a bitter relegation and a future low-profile.
Mister De Canio has pulled out of that October 3, 2009 all the rabbits from the cylinder, sending a crew into orbit by the potential and concentration dubious unstable. The continuity of the results, and the reluctance to defeat - there are only six races without points of yellow and red, has done better grosseto only five - have made the Giallorossi as the knife when it comes to tearing and ripping when it comes out. And Lecce, sinking the blade, a second division that has torn at the start saw him suffering, but then the first failure forces the blade comes out and rips the environment deluded, perhaps, a record achieved only by the wisdom of ' coach. Coach who lose badly in a race in which everyone expected to break the spell of the tie, decided to shift all the blame upon himself, acting as a lightning rod in a field of stakes.
My fault, says De Canio, because I sent in the training field, those players with that form. The fault of all time, if the criteria of choice are always based on meritocracy, summary of a series of weekly behavior of athletes or football players are still men, of course. Blame for everyone, because anyone with a little 'professionalism would fielded the same eleven, perhaps deserving to play, not to suffer such a clear humiliation. Or maybe you.
The problem does not focus more on the characteristics of the players in pink, where - for example - the lack of pressing and the lack of familiarity with the phrasing in speed can be explained only by the fact that these are not the quality of rose available. The aim must be centered, then, on the head or the head when you double marking, when the mate does not help more than in trouble, does not recover after a speech wrong, when the team fails to be short and once pressed resort to long ball, obviously something is wrong. Lacks peace, personality and possibly a lecture on the part of each day's feeds.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Train Bridge Construct Flash
There's a Mister X and De Canio is not condemning the numbers
we wanted to define the black man, but the trend of the moment requires to call him Mr. X, which is not mister tie, the reference is not to De Canio, but wants to be a nickname which means enclosed inside a person, perhaps more than a concept, a way of being, a lobby that is trying in every way to devalue the work carried out successfully by the coach, understood this time as coach.
are the sirens that require us to focus on a situation that clearly touched the highest point of his criticism. The repartee between the president and the coach Semeraro De Canio is to say that if they send the card through the papers, the statements made on TV by journalist Stephanie Meo, and a series of odors in the air that spread after each point lost the team, even in a more light after every win, as bombastic.
A paradoxical situation, that probably does not find a logical explanation, at least not in the logic of sport, combined with even to the business that it co-exist in the absurd world of football.
What should a coach to get into the good graces of a company if it does not dominate the league, and maybe do it later at a cost of just a million €? Maybe De Canio should learn from the masters of promotion, by those who have art in the hands and the void in the portfolios. Who buys easy to leave a tip, and who barely won the championship as he was busy writing the contract extension.
are strange power games that benefit the few, and confusing to everyone else. What a strange world of football, where the company does not defend their coach ever, or rather does not defend the coach. No booth for him. No pre-established defense, but neither won. De Canio as if it were not a conscious choice, as if De Canio was a staff collected the street from the spokes of a wheel. De Canio as if it were the right coach with the wrong ideas.

we wanted to define the black man, but the trend of the moment requires to call him Mr. X, which is not mister tie, the reference is not to De Canio, but wants to be a nickname which means enclosed inside a person, perhaps more than a concept, a way of being, a lobby that is trying in every way to devalue the work carried out successfully by the coach, understood this time as coach.
are the sirens that require us to focus on a situation that clearly touched the highest point of his criticism. The repartee between the president and the coach Semeraro De Canio is to say that if they send the card through the papers, the statements made on TV by journalist Stephanie Meo, and a series of odors in the air that spread after each point lost the team, even in a more light after every win, as bombastic.
A paradoxical situation, that probably does not find a logical explanation, at least not in the logic of sport, combined with even to the business that it co-exist in the absurd world of football.
What should a coach to get into the good graces of a company if it does not dominate the league, and maybe do it later at a cost of just a million €? Maybe De Canio should learn from the masters of promotion, by those who have art in the hands and the void in the portfolios. Who buys easy to leave a tip, and who barely won the championship as he was busy writing the contract extension.
are strange power games that benefit the few, and confusing to everyone else. What a strange world of football, where the company does not defend their coach ever, or rather does not defend the coach. No booth for him. No pre-established defense, but neither won. De Canio as if it were not a conscious choice, as if De Canio was a staff collected the street from the spokes of a wheel. De Canio as if it were the right coach with the wrong ideas.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Invitation Wording For Registry Gift Cards
Victor Murra
XXX! Rob Cohen has made a successful movie, but De Canio after three consecutive draws hard to snatch a couple of applause. It is mocking the fate of those who turned water into wine, and those who try to belittle the wonder it spits and calls him Tavernello. As if the transformation was not always extraordinary. And now speak out, the technicians of Salento or just beyond, a peck on the trident De Canio hazardous or foreign exchange delayed. As if it was the mistake of an amateur any flashy and not the brave choice to those who can not get the wrong one until today. The memory is short and people forget, however difficult, uphill was the beginning. What he wanted and dreamed of a Lecce without Angelozzi. What he wanted and dreamed of Lecce in the first ranking. Desired and dreamed of a Lecce full of new, young and hopeful promises. You want to wake up from a nightmare without end, wanted to wake up and discover that the reality is different. And the reality is different. Reality rattles off the numbers so dear to most that leave no room for interpretation: 41 goals and best attack of the class 27 goals against the defense and third in the league. The difference is 14 goals, for the "we've got it covered short longer." There would be Cesena, to tell the truth, that with 17-goal would have a blanket covering from head to toe, but then the signatures are only 33, and then discover that exult less. Lecce as the numbers that crown the best team continues in spite of continuous training there is only the constant exchange of interpreters. A team that has done less than Marilungo, and Defendi Baclet in attack, who is deprived of Mesbah throughout the first part, which has rotated Newfoundland, Schiavi, Fabiano and continues to do so. A team that has not yet found the ideal surface area is often subject to the whims of youth, and on this has a future.
All that is missing from this team is not the bomber, who also was requested by De Canio, but has not been satisfied, what is most lacking is the affection, that is, a place that demands even more; competence and professionalism of experts who will never have affection for this team, but only interests to live one more time, 'foaming at the mouth.
Victor Murra
XXX! Rob Cohen has made a successful movie, but De Canio after three consecutive draws hard to snatch a couple of applause. It is mocking the fate of those who turned water into wine, and those who try to belittle the wonder it spits and calls him Tavernello. As if the transformation was not always extraordinary. And now speak out, the technicians of Salento or just beyond, a peck on the trident De Canio hazardous or foreign exchange delayed. As if it was the mistake of an amateur any flashy and not the brave choice to those who can not get the wrong one until today. The memory is short and people forget, however difficult, uphill was the beginning. What he wanted and dreamed of a Lecce without Angelozzi. What he wanted and dreamed of Lecce in the first ranking. Desired and dreamed of a Lecce full of new, young and hopeful promises. You want to wake up from a nightmare without end, wanted to wake up and discover that the reality is different. And the reality is different. Reality rattles off the numbers so dear to most that leave no room for interpretation: 41 goals and best attack of the class 27 goals against the defense and third in the league. The difference is 14 goals, for the "we've got it covered short longer." There would be Cesena, to tell the truth, that with 17-goal would have a blanket covering from head to toe, but then the signatures are only 33, and then discover that exult less. Lecce as the numbers that crown the best team continues in spite of continuous training there is only the constant exchange of interpreters. A team that has done less than Marilungo, and Defendi Baclet in attack, who is deprived of Mesbah throughout the first part, which has rotated Newfoundland, Schiavi, Fabiano and continues to do so. A team that has not yet found the ideal surface area is often subject to the whims of youth, and on this has a future.
All that is missing from this team is not the bomber, who also was requested by De Canio, but has not been satisfied, what is most lacking is the affection, that is, a place that demands even more; competence and professionalism of experts who will never have affection for this team, but only interests to live one more time, 'foaming at the mouth.
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